No postcode for the venue

If when adding the postcode it does not directly relate to where you would like the red pin to appear, you are able to drag it to the desired spot. Please note that the postcode you are inputting is the one parents will enter, so try to get the postcode as close to the pin […]

Consent requests

You can send questions to parents along with the consent requests. You can ask as little or as many questions as you like. If you would like a question to appear on your consent request form then please send us the questions to and we will add them for you. When sending a consent […]

Home Venues

We know that you may have your fixtures taking place in multiple locations that you class as ‘home’. Here is a quick guide of how you can add multiple home venues. Go to your ‘Console’ and select the ‘Venues’ tab. Then click onto the ‘Add venue’ button Once here you can fill out the form […]

Unavailability Reports

Even if you have not been sent a permission slip you can now let the school users know that your child can now attend the match. To do this follow this simple steps below. Go into the fixture that your child is unavailable for and click on the ‘Actions button. The select ‘Report Unavailability’ Following […]

How do I send an E-Permission slip?

Our aim is to help you have less work on your plate, as we know just how busy you are already. So you are now able to send permission slips to parents with just the touch of a button. Firstly create your fixture as normal, once it has been fully created and you are in […]


If you would like to create a mini-tournament that will allow you to have more than two teams / schools / houses involved then this is available. It must be noted that we recommend a mini-tournament is only used when really needed. This event does not allow you to make the most out of the software, […]

Game Types

When selecting type of games you would like to play some sports have up to three options to choose from, see below for different descriptions to help you when creating your fixture: ‘Individual’, for example – Bowling (Individual) Individual means that the students are playing as individuals, therefore they do not have any team members. For […]

How do I add a performance rating?

If you would like to add performance ratings for each student this can be done both from within the app and your web sign in. You can rate the students individually in each key area of the sport. From the dashboard select Events From the events page select the date of the event and then […]

How do I integrate with Twitter?

If you would like to integrate your Squad In Touch account with Twitter then it is very easy. You are able to Tweet directly from the app. From your dashboard click on Console Then select Integration Click on the settings cog which will then take you to your integration choices Select Twitter from the options If you are […]